Sunday, June 21, 2009


Welcome to 38 Bitches. Recently, pretty recently, well, this morning, I turned 38. I know people talk about middle-age when they get into their 50's, but frankly I think 76 is kind of a stretch for me given my family history, so hopefully this is middle-age for me.

Realizing half my life has gone by got me all reflective, and one of the things upon which I reflected was that I haven't blogged in quite a bit, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to start up again.

So this will be a blog of my 39th year on the planet, hopefully helping me to get a better understanding of who I am and who I could be (because I'm not too pleased with the who I am part...).

Here's where we are this glorious morning (glorious, pfft, it's rainy and muggy) of June 21st:

38 years old; closer to 75 than the moment of my birth...

258.5 pounds - that's in clothing this AM. About 40 pounds higher than when I got married, about 30 pounds more than just three or four years ago, that's something we've got to work on.

Gainfully employed (thank goodness) - although not really doing a bang-up job there. Too many things not done, too many corners cut.

Married, with two kids. The kids don't listen to me, the wife tolerates me. More my fault than theirs... but they're coming now, time to go....


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